Student Exchange Blog: "United Colours" in London, 1st Day by Eva pilt
Student Exchange Blog: "United Colours" in London, 1st Day by Eva

This year I got a chance to participate in a 5 day entrepreneurship project in London. I wanted to go as this year I had actually had experience with making my own business company and I wanted to obtain more knowledge in this area. I have never taken part in such projects before so I was really exc...

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Student Exchange Blog:  "United Colours" in London 2nd Day - Aurelia pilt
Student Exchange Blog: "United Colours" in London 2nd Day - Aurelia

When I got the offer to participate in this exchange I also got the opportunity to learn about different cultures that are taking part in the project and get new business skills. I was very excited to go to London since it was my first Erasmus project and my first time abroad with my classmates. Ove...

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Student Exchange Blog:  "United Colours" in London, 3rd Day - Divia pilt
Student Exchange Blog: "United Colours" in London, 3rd Day - Divia

I saw this exchange as an opportunity to experience foreign learning, culture and to get new knowledge in business. It was exciting as it was my first Erasmus project that I was able to take part in. I expected no less than what I received, but there could be improvements for the next time. I had ex...

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Student Exchange Blog:  "United Colours" in London, 4th Day by Anna pilt
Student Exchange Blog: "United Colours" in London, 4th Day by Anna

Today's day started off with The museum of London. Upon arriving at the museum we couldn’t immediately go inside as the other country teams hadn’t arrived yet. When everyone finally arrived we entered the museum and had free time there. The museum itself was fascinating. We saw a lot of pre-London g...

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Student Exchange Blog:  "United Colours" in London, 5th Day by Kristiina pilt
Student Exchange Blog: "United Colours" in London, 5th Day by Kristiina

Our last day in London was Friday, the 3rd of June. This day was rather busy, as we had our flight back home in the evening. We were informed that the Tube might experience some changes in the schedule and, therefore, we decided to set off slightly in advance. Nonetheless, on Friday all the students...

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ERASMUS KA105_2022 youth mobility project “Green yourself” in Florence, ITALY approved! pilt
ERASMUS KA105_2022 youth mobility project “Green yourself” in Florence, ITALY approved!

Youth exchange will take place 1st–7th of October, 2022 in Florence, Italy.


Young people are usually more aware and ready to act but may feel disoriented and without practical guidance. Our project "Green Yourself" aims to reduce this distance by increasing awareness an...

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PARTCIPANTS FOUND! Erasmus+ youth exchange project "Green yourself!" in Florence, ITALY is looking for participants from Estonia! pilt
PARTCIPANTS FOUND! Erasmus+ youth exchange project "Green yourself!" in Florence, ITALY is looking for participants from Estonia!

Erasmus+ youth exchange "Green yourself!" will take place in Florence, Italy 1–7 of October 2022. Florence (in Italian: Firenze) is a city in central Italy and the capital city of the Tuscany region. 7 days youth exchange program is created with the desire to impact the participants is to increase t...

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Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Outdoor Experiential Learning for Beginners” blog by Piia pilt
Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Outdoor Experiential Learning for Beginners” blog by Piia

I participated in the Erasmus+ project "Outdoor Experimental Learning for Beginners", which took place at the beginning of June 2022 in a small village in Croatia. A good friend and colleague encouraged me to apply for the project. The topic of the project, the location and the fact that we could pa...

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APV in Florence 2–3 of September 2022 pilt
APV in Florence 2–3 of September 2022

Youth workers from Italy, Hungary, Greece, Spain and Estonia gathered in Florence at 2–3 of September for advance planning visit (APV) to discuss different aspects of youth exchange „Green yourself“ which will take place at 1–7 of October in Bigallo.
During the two days partners introduced their NG...

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Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Outdoor Experiential Learning for Beginners” blog by Heli pilt
Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Outdoor Experiential Learning for Beginners” blog by Heli

I have been involved in Erasmus projects since 2015 and have participated in teachers’ mobilities before. Also I have written projects and managed them in the frame of strategic partnership for schools. All those projects have been very interesting and have helped me to empower me as an educator and...

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FINAL OUTPUT of E+ youth exchange project “Eat green, behave clean, and build the dream” in Belluno, ITALY pilt
FINAL OUTPUT of E+ youth exchange project “Eat green, behave clean, and build the dream” in Belluno, ITALY

29th September is the International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction.

🍎 #Food lies at the heart of our lives: it is vital for our survival, and links us to our natural and social environment in a unique way.

🥬 In May 2022 NINA APS launched an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in the Bellu...

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Youth Exchange Blog:  "Green yourself" in Florence, ITALY by Linda Roosi pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: "Green yourself" in Florence, ITALY by Linda Roosi

I decided to participate in this Erasmus project because my very good friend was looking for someone to join their group. I have not participated in any Erasmus project before, I had no special expectations.

Before the youth exchange, we agreed on what our workshop would look like, what Estonian f...

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Youth Exchange Blog:  "Green yourself" in Florence by Helena pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: "Green yourself" in Florence by Helena

I decided to join with this Erasmus youth exchange project because my friend was searching for another Estonian team member and I decided to take time off from my everyday life and go and learn something new. I’ve always been interested in European Union and how some things are working. With this pr...

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Youth Exchange Blog:  "Green yourself" in Florence by Kalle pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: "Green yourself" in Florence by Kalle

Erasmus projects and all other “Exchange Year Abroad” type events have always been on my wishlist. Unfortunately, my modesty and fear of communication have kept me from these projects. One day, however, an acquaintance of mine came and informed me that the ERASMUS+ is organizing a youth exchange pro...

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Youth Exchange Blog:  "Green yourself" in Florence by Gilleke pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: "Green yourself" in Florence by Gilleke

On one particularly nice Monday morning my friend called me with a very interesting offer. He told me he was going on an Erasmus+ project to Florence, Italy in October of 2022, and asked me to go with him. I thought no more than 5 seconds before responding “Yes, of course!” and that’s how one of the...

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Impact Day 2022 – parim üritus, et koguda inspiratsiooni ja kontakte projekti jaoks pilt
Impact Day 2022 – parim üritus, et koguda inspiratsiooni ja kontakte projekti jaoks

MTÜ Rabarada vabatahtlik Kadi osales Tallinnas peetud suurejoonelisel jätkusuutliku ettevõtluse päeval Impact Day 2022.

Sel sügisel toimus Tallinnas Põhjala tehases midagi täiesti teistsugust, seda nii ettevõtlus- kui kogukondlikus maailmas – toimus positiivset mõju loovate ettevõtjate ja koguko...

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Youth Exchange Blog:  "Green yourself" in Florence by Liis pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: "Green yourself" in Florence by Liis

In October 2022, I had the opportunity to participate in a youth exchange that included people from Estonia, Spain, Hungary and Greece – many different cultural spaces. The main theme of the project was a sustainable lifestyle. During this week, I taught and learned a lot about my own and other cult...

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Youth Exchange Blog:  "Green yourself" in Florence by Ingrīda pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: "Green yourself" in Florence by Ingrīda

In October I had the wonderful opportunity to take part in the Erasmus+ youth exchange "Green Yourself" that was held in a small village near Florence, Italy. Saying this experience was amazing would be an understatement. Over the course of the project I met some of the most kind and joyful youngste...

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Student exchange blog "United colors" in Tallinn by Ilja pilt
Student exchange blog "United colors" in Tallinn by Ilja

I decided to participate in this project because it was a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship, practice my skills, and meet students from different cultures and backgrounds. I was eager to represent our school and introduce others to our country. I have been a part of Erasmus p...

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Student exchange blog "United colors" in Tallinn by Audrey pilt
Student exchange blog "United colors" in Tallinn by Audrey

Erasmus+ project “United Colors Of Young European Businessmen” was nothing short of amazing. I am happy that I took part in this project, it was everything that I expected. I decided to participate in this project, because the topic “entrepreneurship” caught my interest. I took part in 2 other Erasm...

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Student exchange blog "United colors" in Tallinn by Evelina pilt
Student exchange blog "United colors" in Tallinn by Evelina

Last week I had the opportunity to participate in the international “Erasmus” project. The topic of this project was “Entrepreneurship”. In this sense, I am really interested in business and because of this I so badly wanted to take part in this project. Additionally, to meet other students from dif...

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Student exchange blog "United colors" in Tallinn by Aaryan pilt
Student exchange blog "United colors" in Tallinn by Aaryan

The Erasmus+ project “United Colours of Young European Businessmen” was made to support the youth of today’s world in education and training. In the one week I spent participating in the project, not only did I get to experience hands-on learning and education on the subjects, but I also got the cha...

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Erasmus+ KA227 project "UCYEB" in Tallinn, 5.-9. of December 2022 pilt
Erasmus+ KA227 project "UCYEB" in Tallinn, 5.-9. of December 2022

Imagine that you live on a Caribbean Island, let us say for instance St. Maarten, or 4862 km to the east on another island, Madeira. For most of your life, you have been enjoying warm temperatures and sunshine. Well, it is also true that a hurricane from time to time might change the routine. And on...

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PARTICIPANTS FOUND! ERASMUS+ KA152_2022 "Press Alt for Tourism" training course in Busot, SPAIN is looking for participants from Estonia pilt
PARTICIPANTS FOUND! ERASMUS+ KA152_2022 "Press Alt for Tourism" training course in Busot, SPAIN is looking for participants from Estonia

Erasmus+ youth training course "Press Alt for Tourism: The Youth’s contribution to alternative tourism in the EU " in Busot, SPAIN will take place from 25th of April – 2nd of May 2023.

Busot is a village located in Province of Alicante.

8-days youth training program is created to promote alter...

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Final transnational project meeting of the project “United colors of young European businessmen” in Madeira, Portugal, 18th January – 20th January 2023 pilt
Final transnational project meeting of the project “United colors of young European businessmen” in Madeira, Portugal, 18th January – 20th January 2023

Madeira – a sub-tropical volcanic island 500 kilometers off the coast of Morocco and settled long ago by Portuguese explorers – was the final destination of our project “United Colors of Young European Businessmen”(2020-1-ESO1-KA227-SCH-095202).

Two main business activities of islanders are touris...

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Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Press Alt for Tourism” blog by Oliver pilt
Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Press Alt for Tourism” blog by Oliver

I decided to apply because this project was related to my profession, i.e. tourism. I also assumed that this project would also be good for meeting new people. Since I haven’t taken part in Erasmus projects before, I didn’t know exactly what was waiting for me. However, I assumed it would be cool, a...

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Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Press Alt for Tourism” blog by Rea pilt
Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Press Alt for Tourism” blog by Rea

I decided to participate in the “Press Alt for Tourism” training course simply because the topic of the programme is related to my field of interest. Just for note, I’ve never been a part of an Erasmus project before. Since 2018 I’ve been working at the official Tourism Department of Tallinn, known...

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Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Press Alt for Tourism” blog by Viljar pilt
Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Press Alt for Tourism” blog by Viljar

It was a great pleasure to participate in Erasmus event in Busot. It was my first training at Erasmus and expected to be very useful for my career. I am a student at Estonian University of Life Sciences. I study Nature Based Tourism, so for me this training was directly related to my specialty. I le...

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Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Press Alt for Tourism” blog by Anneli pilt
Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Press Alt for Tourism” blog by Anneli

I have not participated in any of Erasmus projects before, but I have always wanted to experience it. So when I heard about „Alt for Tourism“ training course from my teacher I was was very excited to go. I really wanted to travel to another country, learn more about Erasmus and also the topic was in...

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Erasmus+ KA152_2023 youth exchange in Spain is looking for participants! pilt
Erasmus+ KA152_2023 youth exchange in Spain is looking for participants!

Erasmus+ youth exchange will take place in Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain in 20–29 of October 2023.

About the project.

SOLIDEU: Youth Volunteering at European level aims to promote among young Europeans the importance of solidarity and voluntary projects, as well as their active participation...

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Youth Exchange Blog: SOLIDEU in Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain, by Mirjam pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: SOLIDEU in Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain, by Mirjam

I chose to join this youth exchange because I'd never been to Spain, and the project's theme matched my values of helping others. It felt like a good opportunity for personal growth. I have previously been part of two Erasmus+ projects that were both very positive experiences for me, thus my expecta...

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Youth Exchange Blog: SOLIDEU in Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain, by Sigrit pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: SOLIDEU in Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain, by Sigrit

I heard about the youth exchange two weeks before the flight deadline and it sounded like a fun spontaneous thing to do. The topic of the exchange also got my interest, so I applied for the program.

I have taken part in an Erasmus project before and this experience was totally different. I came t...

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Youth Exchange Blog: SOLIDEU in Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain, by Kai pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: SOLIDEU in Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain, by Kai

I decided to take part in this project because it seemed very cool and something really out of my comfort zone, because I am a very shy person. I also love traveling so I knew I had to go and see the world. I took this opportunity as a sign to apply and see where life would take me. This was my firs...

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Youth Exchange Blog: SOLIDEU in Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain, by Villem pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: SOLIDEU in Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain, by Villem

This was the first youth exchange I participated in, so I didn’t have a lot of expectations. But after a friend of mine introduced me to the project and after reading through all the available information I decided to go. To step out of my comfort zone and learn new things about global problems and...

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Youth Exchange Blog: SOLIDEU in Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain, by Maria pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: SOLIDEU in Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain, by Maria

I participated in this project quite spontaneously, because one person decided not to come, and it gave me an opportunity to take part of it myself. I have once participated in an Erasmus project through my university, so I was expecting to have a lot to do and to have a great time with great people...

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Youth Exchange Blog: SOLIDEU in Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain, by Kalle pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: SOLIDEU in Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain, by Kalle

I had the incredible opportunity to participate in an Erasmus project in the charming town of Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain. This two-week venture aimed at promoting youth engagement in voluntary projects and fostering intercultural understanding among participants from diverse countries and cult...

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PARTICIPANTS FOUND! Erasmus+ KA151_2023 youth exchange "Equestrian tourism" in Spain is looking for participants from Estonia! pilt
PARTICIPANTS FOUND! Erasmus+ KA151_2023 youth exchange "Equestrian tourism" in Spain is looking for participants from Estonia!

Erasmus+ youth exchange "Equestrian tourism" will take place in Pasarón de la Vera, Spain 29th of May – 7th of June 2024.

Pasarón de la Vera is a is a municipality located in the province of Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain.

10 days youth exchange program (travel days included) is created to promote...

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Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Make gender equity reality!” blog by Linda pilt
Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Make gender equity reality!” blog by Linda

Though I have participated in several Erasmus+ projects before, this was my first Erasmus+ training. The topic for this training was gender discrimination and inequality.

Every day we had several hours of in-depth sessions which included a lot of discussion on the key topic. It was fascinating to...

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Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Make gender equity reality!” blog by Thomas pilt
Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Make gender equity reality!” blog by Thomas

Throughout the course of this training there were a great number of workshops and activities which sought to enhance our thinking, and how we consider taking action, regarding the key topic, gender inequity. Whilst there were many activities throughout the whole week, all with important lessons and...

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Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Make gender equity reality!" blog by Merith pilt
Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Make gender equity reality!" blog by Merith

This was my first Erasmus+ training and it was a great week which was full of wonderful experiences and lessons I will remember for a long time. We had various educational activities everyday, excluding one day where we received an island tour and were able to take in the beautiful nature and sights...

Loe edasi
UPDATE! PARTICIPANTS FOUND! ERASMUS+ youth exchange "Palette of emotions" in Osijek, Croatia is looking for participants from Estonia! pilt
UPDATE! PARTICIPANTS FOUND! ERASMUS+ youth exchange "Palette of emotions" in Osijek, Croatia is looking for participants from Estonia!

Youth exchange will take place in Osijek, Croatia at 27th of June – 5th of July 2024.

About the project.

“Palette of emotions: exploration of emotional intelligence through art” will take place in Osijek, Croatia, a vibrant city located in eastern Croatia, nestled on the banks of the Drava River...

Loe edasi
Youth Exchange Blog: Equestrian Tourism in Spain by Margaret pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: Equestrian Tourism in Spain by Margaret

I decided to participate in this Erasmus+ project focused on equestrian tourism because I have always wanted to ride horses and love to travel. Combining these interests through an educational and cultural exchange seemed like a perfect opportunity to expand my horizons. This was my first time parti...

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Youth Exchange Blog: Equestrian Tourism in Spain by Eliza pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: Equestrian Tourism in Spain by Eliza

I heard about the project from a friend who was planning to go and invited me to join. I was amazed and gladly agreed. I had never participated in such international projects, and Erasmus+ seemed quite unknown and out of reach. As I wanted to experience something new and eye-opening, this project wa...

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Youth Exchange Blog: Equestrian Tourism in Spain by Iris pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: Equestrian Tourism in Spain by Iris

This was my very first Erasmus project. I learned about this opportunity from a close friend of mine. She asked me if I would like to join her on this trip and spend almost two weeks traveling around Spain basically for free, riding horses and learning a lot about them. I love traveling, used to go...

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Youth Exchange Blog: Equestrian Tourism in Spain by Carmen pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: Equestrian Tourism in Spain by Carmen

It has always been a dream of mine to explore as much of the world as possible. But I had never truly committed to making this dream happen. So, when I happened upon this exchange opportunity focusing on equestrian tourism – a topic which I had never heard, much less thought about – I knew that this...

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Youth Exchange Blog: Equestrian Tourism in Spain by Mette pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: Equestrian Tourism in Spain by Mette

I decided to take part in this project because I have been actively involved with horses for 8 years and I was very interested in a program called “Equestrian Tourism”.

I have previously taken part in an Erasmus+ program on Rural tourism in Alicante, in 2023. My expectations were a bit higher as t...

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Youth Exchange Blog:  "Palette of emotions" in Osijek, Croatia by Artur pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: "Palette of emotions" in Osijek, Croatia by Artur

I finished my mandatory military service two weeks prior to the project and really wanted to find out something new, explore places and make new connections with people, as I had spent 11 months mostly locked at one place with the same people all the time. Erasmus+ project “Palette of Emotions” in O...

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Youth Exchange Blog: "Palette of emotions" in Osijek, Croatia by Matvei pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: "Palette of emotions" in Osijek, Croatia by Matvei

Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in my first Erasmus+ program in Osijek, Croatia, with the topic “Palette of Emotions”. I heard about some experiences from my friends and also read some online.

The organization of the program was good. From the moment I arrived in Osijek, I felt supp...

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Youth Exchange Blog: "Palette of emotions" in Osijek, Croatia by Eliise pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: "Palette of emotions" in Osijek, Croatia by Eliise

I decided to participate in this youth exchange because I am interested in psychology. “Palette of emotions” gave me an idea that we will be exploring human emotions on a deeper level. I had also never been to Croatia before, therefore I wanted to visit the country. As to all the Erasmus+ projects,...

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Youth Exchange Blog: "Palette of emotions" in Osijek, Croatia by Aleks pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: "Palette of emotions" in Osijek, Croatia by Aleks

I decided to participate in this youth exchange because it's interesting for me to learn something new about certain themes and other cultures. I have been part of Erasmus project before and my expectations were right.

We made some activities by ourselves and presented them to other people, and be...

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Youth Exchange Blog: "Palette of emotions" in Osijek, Croatia by Eleonora pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: "Palette of emotions" in Osijek, Croatia by Eleonora

I found this youth exchange from a group on Facebook and I decided to apply for it. The topic and the place seemed very interesting and exciting. A few months before that I was also in another Erasmus project, and I really liked it and wanted to do a second one. When going there, I didn’t have a lot...

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Youth Exchange Blog: "Palette of emotions" in Osijek, Croatia by Ariadna pilt
Youth Exchange Blog: "Palette of emotions" in Osijek, Croatia by Ariadna

I decided to participate in this youth exchange in Croatia purely to experience something new and travel during summer vacation. I have not been in Erasmus projects before; however, I have been on similar projects (not led by Erasmus) and had a general idea of how these projects would look like. My...

Loe edasi
UPDATE! PARTICIPANTS FOUND! ERASMUS+ training course for youth workers and educators "Isn’t our planet beautiful" in Sarata Monteoru and Buzau, Romania is looking for participants from Estonia! pilt
UPDATE! PARTICIPANTS FOUND! ERASMUS+ training course for youth workers and educators "Isn’t our planet beautiful" in Sarata Monteoru and Buzau, Romania is looking for participants from Estonia!

The training course will take place in Sarata Monteoru and Buzau, Romania, in 4.–13. February 2025.

The aim of the project is to provide to youth workers from 16 countries new methods to develop circular economy as a tool to promote sustainability.


  1. to develop key competences of y...

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CERV-2024-CITIZENS-TOWN-NT: Green Move – transforming rural mobility for a sustainable future is approved! pilt
CERV-2024-CITIZENS-TOWN-NT: Green Move – transforming rural mobility for a sustainable future is approved!

GreenMove is an innovative initiative designed to tackle the urgent environmental issues related to rural mobility and transportation. This project aspires to promote sustainable mobility in functional rural areas by harnessing cutting-edge technologies, collaborative strategies, and participatory a...

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Erasmus+ KA152 youth exchange GreenArt in Murcia, Spain is looking for participants from Estonia! pilt
Erasmus+ KA152 youth exchange GreenArt in Murcia, Spain is looking for participants from Estonia!

Youth exchange project "GreenArt: Connecting Culture, Youth, and Nature" will take place in Murcia, Spain 31st of March – 7th of April 2025.

Discover GreenArt!

Are you ready for an unforgettable experience blending creativity, culture, and environmental action? If you're a young person passionat...

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ERASMUS KA152_2021 youth exchange project “Eat green, behave clean, and build the dream” approved! pilt
ERASMUS KA152_2021 youth exchange project “Eat green, behave clean, and build the dream” approved!

Youth exchange will take place in May, 2022 in Belluno, Italy.

Objectives of the project. Food lies at the heart of our lives. It is vital for our survival, and links us to our natural and social environment in a unique way. But our food system is unsustainable. Food insecurity and sustainability...

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ERASMUS+ KA227_2021–2023 “United colors of young European businessmen” was approved! pilt
ERASMUS+ KA227_2021–2023 “United colors of young European businessmen” was approved!

About the project. Students have the ability to create ideas, but their transformation into creative and entrepreneurial individuals is a process that must be guided. As partners of this project we chose this topic because the development of entrepreneurial skills in our time is one of the key role...

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Erasmus+ KA227 "United Colours of Young European Businessmen" student exchange in London 30th of May – 3rd of June 2022 pilt
Erasmus+ KA227 "United Colours of Young European Businessmen" student exchange in London 30th of May – 3rd of June 2022

The project „United Colours of Young European Businessmen“ still continues and all the teams met in London this time. On the first week of June all in all 8 teams from UK, Macedonia, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Estonia and St. Maarten were able to gather together and spend a fantastic week full of acti...

Loe edasi
PARTICIPANTS FOUND! Erasmus+ youth exchange project "Eat green, behave clean and build the dream" in ITALY is looking for participants from Estonia! pilt
PARTICIPANTS FOUND! Erasmus+ youth exchange project "Eat green, behave clean and build the dream" in ITALY is looking for participants from Estonia!

Erasmus+ youth exchange "Eat green, behave clean and build the dream" will take place in Belluno, Italy 4.–8. of May 2022. Belluno is a beautiful town in the heart of the Dolomites National Park.

The projects aims to raise awareness on sustainable patterns of food consumption and production for cl...

Loe edasi
PARTICIPANTS FOUND! Erasmus+ youth workers' and educators' training course in Croatia is looking for applicants! pilt
PARTICIPANTS FOUND! Erasmus+ youth workers' and educators' training course in Croatia is looking for applicants!

Erasmus+ youth workers’ and educators’ training course "OUTDOOR EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING – FOR BEGINNERS" will take place in Zmajevac, Croatia 5–13 of June 2022. Travel days included.

With this training course we want to give chance for 24 youth workers, educators and youth leaders that work with yo...

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Experience from a project and study visit to St. Maarten pilt
Experience from a project and study visit to St. Maarten

Our volunteer Rodrigo shared his experience in St. Maarten.

The project „United Colors of Young European Businessmen“, the key action of which is the cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices lasts from March 2021 to February 2023. The main goal of this project is to establish...

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Experience from a project and study visit to St. Maarten pilt
Experience from a project and study visit to St. Maarten

Our volunteer Rodrigo shared his experience in St. Maarten.

The project „United Colors of Young European Businessmen“, the key action of which is the cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices lasts from March 2021 to February 2023. The main goal of this project is to establish...

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Erasmus+ KA227 Teachers' training in Sint Maarten pilt
Erasmus+ KA227 Teachers' training in Sint Maarten

The second meeting of ERASMUS+ KA227_2021–2023 “United colors of young European businessmen” took place in Sint Maaten, a tiny island the size of Tallinn, from January 17th to 21st. This time though it was a teachers’ training focusing on how to teach entrepreneurship and acquire a savvy business mi...

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Kick-off meeting of “United colors of European Young Businessmen” partnership took place in Southern coast of Spain in small town Salobreña 6–7 September 2021. pilt
Kick-off meeting of “United colors of European Young Businessmen” partnership took place in Southern coast of Spain in small town Salobreña 6–7 September 2021.

We reviewed the assessment of SEPIE (Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education) and we also reviewed the different parts of the Project (context and needs, objectives and priorities, recipients, communication between partners, distribution of tasks, expectations). We established the...

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ERASMUS+ Training course for youth workers will take place in Croatia in spring 2022. pilt
ERASMUS+ Training course for youth workers will take place in Croatia in spring 2022.

ERASMUS+ KA105_2020 “Outdoor Experiential Learning – for Beginners” for youth workers and educators was approved!

About the project. There are countless researches on the power of nature to reduce stress, improve the mood, increase the creativity and promote general human well-being. Although the...

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Youth Exchange Blog "Eat Green..." by Berit pilt
Youth Exchange Blog "Eat Green..." by Berit

As an active member of Rabarada I had an opportunity to look for participants for said project. While doing so I realized quite early on that I’d have a lot of insight on the topics at hand – especially with my background in food technology – which is why I decided to go as a team leader. I had also...

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Youth Exchange Blog "Eat Green..." by Linda pilt
Youth Exchange Blog "Eat Green..." by Linda

This was my sixth Erasmus+ Youth Exchange. I decided to participate in this one because I am passionate about sustainability and ways to be more sustainable in my personal life and in my country.

One part of Youth Exchanges I love is cultural nights where every group makes traditional foods of the...

Loe edasi
Youth Exchange Blog "Eat Green..." by Merith pilt
Youth Exchange Blog "Eat Green..." by Merith

I have participated in two Youth Exchanges before. I am intrigued about new technologies that make our food more sustainable. I wanted to get to know different cultures from different places and educate myself about their traditions. I learned about other cultures and traditions as well as sustainab...

Loe edasi
Youth Exchange Blog "Eat Green..." by Tom pilt
Youth Exchange Blog "Eat Green..." by Tom

I have never participated in an Erasmus project before, therefore my expectations were somewhat mixed. This was because I had read the programme of activities for the week and broadly understood the aim of this exchange, however I did not know who I would be spending this week with, outside of the n...

Loe edasi