Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Press Alt for Tourism” blog by Oliver

I decided to apply because this project was related to my profession, i.e. tourism. I also assumed that this project would also be good for meeting new people. Since I haven’t taken part in Erasmus projects before, I didn’t know exactly what was waiting for me. However, I assumed it would be cool, and it was.
My contribution before the project was rather small, I only prepared a few things for the evening of Estonian culture. During the project, I had to contribute a lot, because every day was full of activities that required a lot of empathy and participation in the activities.
It is difficult to point out what I have learned specifically, but I would point out that every activity develops and you never know what you have experienced can be useful in life. I would say that this project focused more on developing self-expression and communication. At the same time, those who are far from tourism also learned a lot about the tourism sector. I liked the evenings of different cultures and interacting with people of other nationalities the most. There were interesting debates both in the compulsory program and in free time. In addition, I would point out as a big win that I got new contacts to work with in the future.
I would definitely recommend everyone who has the opportunity to take part in various international projects, because meeting new people and getting out of your comfort zone is a driving force in life and injects you with the joy of life and motivation to do something yourself.