Student Exchange Blog: "United Colours" in London 2nd Day - Aurelia

When I got the offer to participate in this exchange I also got the opportunity to learn about different cultures that are taking part in the project and get new business skills. I was very excited to go to London since it was my first Erasmus project and my first time abroad with my classmates. Overall I think the project was very good but there is some room for improvement. My expectations for the project were to meet new people, explore the town and its attractions, and, of course, learn about business which was the project's main focus. Sharing information, befriending other participants, teamwork, staying on track with ongoing projects, and participating in the events are examples of my contributions. The youth exchange taught me a lot, like what is the business model, what are the 9 segments as well as how they are used. On 31st of May we arrived at the Greek school at 10 am. By being divided into groups with given tasks. At first, we had to do brainstorming activities, “What is Innovation?”, Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Examples, Characteristics of Social Entrepreneurs, Commercial Enterprises (Successful examples), the host presented the business model and the other countries’ systems too and we developed International Business Ideas. Students were divided into five groups. Each group represented a small company according to their interest.
- Meal Planning
- Canning, Pickling, and Preserving
- Package Designer
- Jewelry and Glasswork
- Health Coaching
We chose Canning, Pickling, and Preserving. In order to make it all work, we needed to quickly develop our communication skills and also teamwork, which we made work. After concluding with our team, we decided to make our business plan about producing pickles with many different spices. We made a business model plan, logo and created a brand name. After all the studying, we went to the city and walked around. We explored many different museums and sightseeings.
Written by Aurelia