Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Press Alt for Tourism” blog by Viljar

It was a great pleasure to participate in Erasmus event in Busot. It was my first training at Erasmus and expected to be very useful for my career. I am a student at Estonian University of Life Sciences. I study Nature Based Tourism, so for me this training was directly related to my specialty. I learned a lot of new perspectives about alternative tourism. Not all of the participants were related to tourism sector, so it was educating to see how different people see and understand alternative tourism. My contribution there was to share experience and knowledge of nature-based tourism possibilities. To encourage the people to take more alternative tourism services.
All the activities were very interesting and useful. The program was very well organized with different tasks and topics. Maybe most exciting activity was where we had to think about new tourism activities for Busot and present it to the municipality. Every evening we had national culture nights to introduce participating countries and to learn about other countries’ traditions, events etc. One morning we made a hiking trip to the mountains, it was an interesting journey, as at the same day visiting the Canelobre Caves.
I would not change or improve anything. The accommodation and most of the activities were in the same place, so the social life was very active.
If had the possibility to participate again, for sure, I would do it again. Definitely I will suggest and encourage my friends to take part in Erasmus+ projects.