Youth workers’ and educators’ training “Press Alt for Tourism” blog by Anneli

I have not participated in any of Erasmus projects before, but I have always wanted to experience it. So when I heard about „Alt for Tourism“ training course from my teacher I was was very excited to go. I really wanted to travel to another country, learn more about Erasmus and also the topic was interesting and related to my studies. Project was really what I expected and even better.
I took part in every activity that happened in the project and my contribution was quite good. I was always ready to speak about the topic and help others.
I learned more about the Erasmus and other cultures, which was the goal for me. About the Alternative tourism theme I didn’t learn much new, because I already studied it at school. Activities I enjoyed the most were the cultural nights.
Maybe invite people who are more related to the project theme to speak. For example if the theme is alternative tourism, then invite a person who is providing alt tourism services in real life, or maybe someone who is teaching/learning this topic at school.
Definitely would recommend this kind of projects. The best part of the experience were the people, learning about the cultures and practice English.