Youth Exchange Blog: "Green yourself" in Florence, ITALY by Linda Roosi

I decided to participate in this Erasmus project because my very good friend was looking for someone to join their group. I have not participated in any Erasmus project before, I had no special expectations.
Before the youth exchange, we agreed on what our workshop would look like, what Estonian foods and drinks we would bring, how we would introduce our country to others. What kind of Estonian games can we play. During the project I tried to gain a lot of new knowledge, if it was necessary to help somewhere, I agreed with both hands. I learned a lot in this Green Yourself project. I learned about climate change and how I can prevent it in my everyday life. I learned a lot about other countries like Greece, Spain, Italy and Hungary and their recycling habits.
In the future (in another projects) I try to be more open on the first day. At first I was scared and immediately run into the same room with my friends from my country. Being with people from other cultures also contributes to communication.
I really liked this Erasmus project and I recommend it to everyone. I really liked working together in various workshops. Seeing how we are like one big family and how much is in the hands of young people to change the world even more for the better with amazing ideas about recycling. Because one human isn’t enough to do it all, but when we all come together, big changes can be done. We also got to see what Italy is really like, what their daily habits are. I just loved everything and I know that with the knowledge I got, I have so much more power in the future.