Student Exchange Blog: "United Colours" in London, 3rd Day - Divia

I saw this exchange as an opportunity to experience foreign learning, culture and to get new knowledge in business. It was exciting as it was my first Erasmus project that I was able to take part in. I expected no less than what I received, but there could be improvements for the next time. I had expected to get acquainted with various people, see the town and its attractions, and of course also learn about business as this was the main theme of the project. I would count my contributions to be sharing the information, being on track with the ongoing and taking part in the given activities. The student exchange taught me a lot. That being, what is the business model, what are the 9 segments as well as how they are used. By being divided into groups with given tasks, I improved my social and leadership skills. Which will greatly contribute to my future. As for the next exchange I would make the activities light enough for students to not get bored and stay attentive and intrigued. Keep the days busy, but also give the needed free time for self exploring. Of course, show the city and plan a trip outside of it, maybe to show off the nature as we spend too much time on our phones in the noisy and busy cities. Definitely would recommend this kind of exchange to others. It might seem as a way to get out of school and have fun, but it is much more than that. You will have fun at the same time as solving problems, doing group activities and getting a lecture on a topic. An unforgettable experience that is an exchange program. The most memorable moment for me would be meeting the other exchange students, seeing how different we are was fascinating. The 2nd thing would be the walk around the vicinity. Because London is a big city you would expect to see minimal nature in it, but this walk proved me wrong. And lastly the 3rd memorable impression would be the emotions we had when leaving, everyone had grown close within the short time that we spent together and it was a little sad to say our goodbyes to them, knowing it might be the last time that we see them in person.
So the day is Wednesday, the first day of summer and we have planned a visit to the British museum. We arrived first and waited for others to appear. Took some time and we gathered together at the back exit of the museum as there was basically no queue compared to the main entrance. As we went through we were given 1,5 h to get a view of the exhibitions and meet again at the back entrance. The room we entered was big and filled with compelling exhibits. Moved onto Ancient Egypt, where we could witness statues and old scripts. Upstairs behind the glass were real mummies and some did creep us out, but nevertheless it was worth seeing. After that, Eva and I separated from others and went to the exhibits of Asia. It was a total opposite to Egypt and quickly grabbed our attention. There were sculptures, daily necessities, paintings and descriptions of their lives. The last thing we saw from Asia was the history of jade. Where it originated from, how it looks, what varieties it has and how people used it, also showed real pieces of it behind the glass. After gathering outside we went to a local Greek restaurant and had a wonderful meal from their cuisine. They did mess up my order, but it was tasty anyways. Then as we finished, we set our route to covent garden by underground and were recommended to visit its market and have free time to look around. I joined Anna and we had a fun time exploring the surroundings, even bought some stuff for ourselves and to bring as souvenirs. It was a nice way to conclude the day.
Written by Divia