ERASMUS+ KA227_2021–2023 “United colors of young European businessmen” was approved!
About the project. Students have the ability to create ideas, but their transformation into creative and entrepreneurial individuals is a process that must be guided. As partners of this project we chose this topic because the development of entrepreneurial skills in our time is one of the key roles in the employment of young people. Increasingly innovative individuals and creative entrepreneurship qualities constitute the driving force in social development. Our current education system needs support to adapt entrepreneurship education since traditional methods of education at our schools put the people in a frame and very often they find a secure job that does not boost their creativity potential, loosing their creativity, innovation capabilities and courage to set up their own business. Creative thinking is the must have skill of an entrepreneur for the creation of new ideas. Creativity will allow students to devise interesting processes, which gives so many advantages to entrepreneurs. It is the ability to develop new ideas and to discover new ways of looking at problems and opportunities. Students will learn about specifics of local economies, meet entrepreneurs and visit local businesses, producing innovative business ideas and creating their own small start up business suitable for the local economies of the partner schools which will then be adapted to students’ own local needs.
The OBJECTIVES of the project are: The goal of this project is to establish an entrepreneurship ecosystem in secondary education by developing a creative and entrepreneurship management model for schools in order to promote creativity and entrepreneurship culture among pupils. The model will ensure that the ideas of the students are transformed into values and they will be able to be creative young people who can set up their own small business and contribute to the development of the local economies of their countries.
Our partners are:
IES Nazarí (Spain, the coordinator) Caribbean Youth and Sport Foundation (Netherlands) Council for prevention of juvenile delinquency Kavadarci (North Macedonia) Associação Cultural e de solidariedade Social Raquel Lombardi (Portugal) Greek Secondary School of London (United Kingdom) Bakirkoy Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu (Turkey) Gaziantep Vehbi Dincerler Fen Lisesi (Turkey)