ERASMUS+ KA151_2024 training course for youth workers and educators "Isn’t our planet beautiful" in Sarata Monteoru and Buzau, Romania

The training course will take place in Sarata Monteoru and Buzau, Romania, in 4.–13. February 2025.

The aim of the project is to provide to youth workers from 16 countries new methods to develop circular economy as a tool to promote sustainability.


Final products expected: a collection of tools, methods and action plans to promote sustainability and circular economy.

The methodology is based on nonformal education methods including presentations, world café, theater, debate, simulations, video creation etc. The project activities will be preparation, introduction, getting to know each other, workshops in plenary and teams, outdoor activities, intercultural evenings, visits, reflection and evaluation according to agenda.

Participants’ profile:

• 18+

• 2 participants from Estonia


• Accommodation and food are fully covered by the Erasmus+ program.

• Travel tickets will be reimbursed according to the real costs up till 309€.

• Participation fee 20€.


If you are interested, please send us e-mail: Heli Illipe,

Application deadline: 15th of December 2024


TC for youth workers and educators "Isn't our planet beautiful" in Romania blog by Heli pilt
TC for youth workers and educators "Isn't our planet beautiful" in Romania blog by Heli

I have been in Erasmus world for 10 years. As a project writer, minor and leading partner. In YOU and SCH projects. All of them have taught me how important it is to fill in the gaps in education and provide something special to all participants no matter what is their previous experience, knowledge...

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TC for youth workers and educators "Isn't our planet beautiful" in Romania blog by Eda pilt
TC for youth workers and educators "Isn't our planet beautiful" in Romania blog by Eda

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